Bausch & Lomb – Area 9 Expansion


Brief Description of Project

FCE Area 9 Main Contract for Bausch & Lomb Ireland, Unit 424/425 IDA Industrial Park, Waterford

Area 9 expansion involves the extension to the Eastern side of existing Bausch + Lomb Ireland facility to include; new production facilities, cartoning facilities, storage areas, offices, staff accommodation and ancillary areas. The project allows for interventions in the existing Area 8 including the provision of a new incoming loading bay, monomer laboratory, monomer waste room, resin rooms and technician workshop. The delivery facilities include; incoming loading docks (5 No. in total) and associated marshalling yard. The project provides for minor internal modifications and extension of the existing Area 8 circulation corridors, to provide staff and material links between the new expanded area and the existing facility. The expansion includes the provision of a new plant room, located over the new cartoning area and roof top plant area. The expansion will require significant site works, the provision of staff parking facilities and alterations to internal road network and underground piped services

Design Team

Architect: Diarmuid Reil Architects
Structural Engineer: Frank Fox and Associates, 7 Bank Place, Waterford
Services Engineers: Synergy Engineering Ltd,
Quantity Surveyor: MacMinn O' Reilly Mahon
Completed In: 2021

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