Brief Description of Project
Commenced in 2022, the area 10 expansion involves an approx. 5,490m2 extension to the western and northern sides of existing Bausch + Lomb Ireland facility at unit 424-425 IDA Industrial Estate, Cork Road, Waterford. This extension will be part single storey and part 2 storey,
to include new production facilities, packaging facilities, storage areas, link corridors and staff accommodation.
The expansion will be carried out in an area which currently serves as a B+L car park and will require internal and external modifications to the existing building. These works are to include all associated plant & equipment, site works, staff parking facilities and alterations to internal road network and drainage. It is intended that the project will be a LEED certified, and as such, the construction element of the project will be required to be carried out in compliance with the LEED certification requirements.